1. Introduction

Black Iron Energy recognizes the importance of building and maintaining strong and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities across all the regions where we operate. This Indigenous Policy outlines our commitment to meaningful engagement, collaboration, and partnership with First Nation, Metis, and Inuit communities.

2. Commitment to Indigenous Communities

Mutual Respect: We commit to actively seeking cooperation and partnerships with Indigenous communities and organizations in all our operating regions. 

Community Engagement: We will engage in ongoing dialogue and consultation with Indigenous communities to ensure their voices are heard and respected in matters related to our operations.

3. Workforce Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion: We are dedicated to integrating individuals of Indigenous heritage into our workforce through targeted recruitment, training, and career advancement initiatives.

Capacity Building: We will collaborate with partner communities, local Indigenous populations, and Indigenous organizations to support workforce development and skills enhancement.

4. Business Opportunities

Supporting Indigenous Enterprises: We will continue to foster relationships with Indigenous enterprises that provide services to our operations.

Expanding Opportunities: We actively seek opportunities to expand and enhance partnerships with Indigenous communities to support sustainable economic growth.

5. Cultural Sensitivity

Transparency and Openness: Our approach to community engagement is rooted in transparency and openness. We will share information about our company, operations, and practices with Indigenous communities.

Empathy and Respect: We will actively listen to the visions, goals, and opinions of Indigenous communities and strive to understand and respect their cultural differences.

6. Compliance and Accountability

Legislative Compliance: We commit to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to Indigenous engagement and consultation.

Accountability: Black Iron Energy will regularly review and assess the effectiveness of this Indigenous Policy and make necessary adjustments to ensure its continued alignment with our core principles and evolving best practices.

7. Reporting and Communication

Transparency: We will provide regular reports to our stakeholders on the progress and outcomes of our Indigenous engagement initiatives.

Dialogue: We will maintain open channels of communication with Indigenous communities, seeking feedback and input to improve our practices.

8. Conclusion

Black Iron Energy is dedicated to fostering respectful and mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous communities. This Indigenous Policy serves as a guiding framework for our actions, emphasizing collaboration, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity in all aspects of our operations. We are committed to upholding the principles outlined herein and continually improving our engagement with Indigenous communities.

Steven Zerr

C.O.O – Black Iron Energy